martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Unsolved Mysteries, the construction of the pyramidal

Very few land are aware of the fact that the three great pyramids, which rise in the ancient land of the Nile, are nothing more than: Gigantic Structures, suitable for condensing, catalyze and manage huge amounts of power-Planetary Genetic Geo-Magnetic. They had to serve as tombs for the Pharaohs, or were due to the work of huge masses of slaves, by ramps and rollers. They were designed by BEINGS OF OTHER WORLDS and Atlantídea built at the time, this makes about 60,000 years ago. They were built in the way that say many geologists, archaeologists, Egyptologists, builders and other Earth scientists, who prefer mistaken for the extraction of large stony masses, then unlikely transported from a quarry located 800 kilometers from Giza. In fact, the heavy blocks were formed "in situ" by a process of crystallization of the desert sand and then elevated to its corresponding place using advanced levitation technique.

Any physical structure of the three pyramids, is supported on a volume of substance corresponding to high potential vrílica intensity and directed along a series of macro-waves, which are a solar glass pyramid, with the tip pointing below. For a better understanding, each pyramid has sunk in the sand, a volume equivalent to mass and shape out there. Thus, each of the three great pyramids of Egypt, is in direct contact with a vast underground temple, pyramid-shaped symmetrical.

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