A famous pic of a supposed ghost around a crashed car has been analyzed by books writer Jim Eaton and published through
ghoststudy.com and the outcome is that pic was not modified at all and that weird and transparent shape is true.
This is the story by Jim Eaton.
When I first viewed this photo back in 1999, I was sure the driver had died and was now standing beside the car as a ghost. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was completely wrong. The driver, Rose Benvenuto had swerved to avoid hitting a dog and wrecked her car. According to the report, she was taken to the hospital but later released with only an arm injury. The photographer, Sharon Boo, from the Pawling Fire Department, in New York State,took several pictures.
Photos were taken from all angles as a service that Sharon provided for the fire department. However, only one picture happened to capture this strange figure. The image is in human form and size and appears to have wings. It's reported that Rose felt confident that the image in the picture was that of an angel. Or more to the point, a protective spirit that spared Rose from serious if not fatal consequences. The car was totaled and anyone seeing the wreckage would assume the worst. On a side note, I (Jim Eaton) thought it was a strange coincidence that the photographers name happened to be 'Boo'. So I did some research and found Sharon Boo, and sure enough, that really is her name! We conversed on the phone and she assured me that this was a true event and that the photograph and negative do exist. She also agreed to send me the negatives for examination, which I received.

I had copies made from the negatives and sure enough, the image is on the negative and did show up in the developed photos! I actually had Wal-Mart develop the photos from the negatives and they did it within one hour. When I came back to pick up the photos and negatives, It was like a circus side-show. The Technician pulled out the picture in front of the crowd and exclaimed, yes, this is truly an authentic spirit capture. Well, that did it, by then everyone there wanted a close look at the developed picture. The photo technician once again assured the onlookers that it was a spirit because she had personally developed the photo and she was quick to state her credentials. The crowd then looked to me for my interpretation and I simply stated my thoughts as this... I hadn't ruled out all possibilities but it did indeed look to be an unmistakable image of what could be considered a spirit standing just to the right front side of the wrecked car. I then left the store and made sure I was not followed.